Eye & Hair

Eye & Hair

Transform your allure with our Eyes & Hair service. Our skilled surgeons specialize in enhancing the beauty of your eyes and hair, providing customized solutions for a rejuvenated look. From eyelid surgery and brow lifts to hair transplant procedures, we tailor each treatment to your unique features. Embrace a refreshed and harmonious appearance with our Eyes & Hair Plastic Surgery service, where personalized care meets the artistry of aesthetic enhancement.
Upper eyelid 40,000 $2,970 $3,200 $1,950
Lower eyelid 40,000 $2,970 $3,200 $1,950
Upper eyelid + Lower eyelid 70,000 $3,820 $4,110 $2,510
Upper eyelid + Medial epicanthoplasty 55,000 $3,820 $4,110 $2,510
Subbrow Lift 55,000 $3,820 $4,110 $2,510
Eyelid ptosis correction with Levator resection 1 side 60,000 $4,240 $4,570 $2,790
Eyelid ptosis correction with Levator resection 2 side 80,000 $5,090 $5,480 $3,350
FUT 1,500 graft 100,000 $6,360 $6,850 $4,180
FUT 2,000 graft 130,000 $7,630 $8,220 $5,020
FUT 2,500 graft 150,000 $8,480 $9,140 $5,580
FUT 3,000 graft 190,000 $5,510 $5,940 $3,630
FUE 1,500 graft 100,000 $6,360 $6,850 $4,180
FUE 2,000 graft 130,000 $7,630 $8,220 $5,020
FUE 2,500 graft 150,000 $8,480 $9,140 $5,580
FUE 3,000 graft 190,000 $5,510 $5,940 $3,630

(Please note: This is an approximate price, the currency may fluctuate during certain periods)

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